RT @GeorgeMonbiot: A brief reminder of the 3 main arguments in favour of the European Union: 1. World War 1 2. World War 2 3. World Wa… https://t.co/nd33nqXOoA
Cheers to @tompowercbc for dropping the word "etic" on @cbcradioq this morning with 80's TV star @JustineBateman. S… https://t.co/QVVYDxLpOH
Thank you @amandapetrusich for Miraculous Field Recording: The Guitar Playing of Joseph Spence https://t.co/Cib5mHbiEw
Tonight Dálava at @oldtownschool in Chicago. https://t.co/gQVXhaVpOg
The History of Armenia, by #pulitzerprize winner Peter Balakian. Read by Alan Semerdjian w/Aram Bajakian on guitar.… https://t.co/YTgqgz2eOh
Dálava tour begins in two weeks! Ghent, Brussels, Milan, Pisa, Trutnov, Prague, Ostrava, Krakow, Brno.… https://t.co/nVQ6srqn7c
Honored to have @dalavamusic be included on this list! https://t.co/eEvGbAw3vn
RT @beccastevensbsb: Hey musicians carrying their precious instruments across the world to make music for people, wanna join me in boyco… https://t.co/CIDiQqp26Q
Astonishing. @britishairways shame on you. https://t.co/rh663rpj9i
#britishairways now not allowing guitars as carry on? WTF!?!?!? https://t.co/4YJ0U6ZCdN
RT @SonglinesMag: Vancouver duo Dálava feature in our Top of the World list this issue https://t.co/zRVTpzqMfc @SonglinesRecord
RT @jhvitvar: @pavelturek napsal mimořádně povedenej text o kapele Dálava a jejích úpravách folklóru. Tak rychle běžte pro… https://t.co/XgIq6cL8sU
RT @pmarg: Wrote about some recent faves--Dálava, Honest John,& Chiyoko Szlavnics: Jenna Lyle and Eric Fernandez did the same:… https://t.co/Kacqnd5aZQ
RT @MusicworksMag: Next issue: Vicky Chow @vcpianos Dálava @abajakian @Senyawa1 @bekahsimms. Subscribe & save up to 45% off cover price https://t.co/b7Gql1WCJn
RT @yashar: Got it. https://t.co/9r2jTAGx53
Poster for the @Dalavamusic concert at this years Vancouver Jazz Fest Show. @coastaljazz. Can't wait! June 23rd at… https://t.co/soUpAWhqBa
sell us your shirt - by Dálava. June 23rd at #vanjazzfest. @coastaljazz @Dalavamusic https://t.co/FbMwzQrLDN
psyched psyched psyched for Dálava @coastaljazz fest show in just three weeks! https://t.co/Q9PMsuwUE8